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In its 14th Year, Coors Light to Again Award $25,000 to Develop Latino Community Program

Photo of Luisa
LULAC Council 4614 Supports Luisa

I am excited and honored to have been selected as one of the 2020 Coors Light Líderes finalists and to become an ambassador of a program that provides resources to Latinos like me who are making a positive impact in our communities.

Coors Light Líderes will grant the opportunity for La Comunidad to shine as a new cornerstone of the Richmond-Metropolitan Area. About 15 years-ago, when I moved to Richmond, Virginia, the Latinx community in the area was a small but mighty percentage. We had always been very diverse, with representation from Spain, Central and South American countries and the Caribbean, and the population even included representation of indigenous groups who spoke rich heritage languages. We also had a very diverse religious following and political ideologies. This vibrant community has grown since then, we have a larger reach within the region and have stronger representation in the workforce, the economy and just about everywhere we go. One of the things that continues to amaze me is the diversity and strength that we have come to represent in Richmond.

Many groups have been key in supporting the needs and highlighting the strengths of our community. Nonprofits and volunteer groups in the City of Richmond and Petersburg, Henrico and Chesterfield counties have always been there for the community. Today I’m proud to represent LULAC Council 4614, a small and mighty group of volunteers who are supporting education and advocacy. I am on the Advisory board and love to see the big number of Latinas who are making an impact, but there is a lot of room for growth. I seek your support because not enough Latino professionals in the area, were born and raised in the area. The vast majority of us are from other parts of the state or other countries, and it is my vision along with the support of LULAC Council 4614 to help lay the groundwork for more first-generation Latinos to lead the way in the RVA.

Today, we are focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, racial disparities, a huge political divide, our immediate safety, and wellbeing. And while all this weighs heavy on our hearts and minds, I invite you to add this to your list, vote for me in this Coors Light Líderes. If you are 21 or older, you can help me become the 2020 Coors Light Líder of the Year, by voting at Coors Light Líderes will award a $25k grant to the nonprofit of the leader with the most votes and $2,500 to the nonprofit of the runner up! Share this blog and our social media posts with your family and friends, help me get the word out. I hope to bring attention to Richmond and La Comunidad, to highlight the beauty and how we have helped the area transform, to focus on unity, and our uniqueness.


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